Some of you may be new to blogging and social media, so here are some explanations as well as tips for helping you utilize this site efficiently.
Blog posts are written journal entries. On this site, all of the blog posts written can be seen on the homepage (the page first viewed when coming to the website). These posts will be displayed from newest to oldest, and include the dates in which they were written at the top of the post. Many posts will be written by the blog manager, Austin Hostetter, however, some will be written by other students as well.

This blog is supplemented by a Twitter account. Twitter will be used for providing instant updates on what is happening during the teams travels. Although the blog posts will provide a summary of each day, Twitter will allow readers to know what is going on exactly when it happens. Tweets can be viewed on the Twitter sidebar viewer just to the right of the blog posts.
This icon in the top, right hand corner of the sidebar will send you to the trip's Twitter page, which will allow you to see all of the tweets submitted by the group. You do not need a Twitter account to view this page.
Video will play an important part on this blog. A final video documenting the whole experience will be completed after the trip is finished, but videos will also be posted to this blog frequently. These videos will be embedded in the blog spots they correlate with; however, short videos displaying locations or events the students are at will be shared via Twitter, and will be accessible on the Twitter account page. All videos can also be viewed on the trip's Vimeo page.
This icon in the top, right hand corner of the sidebar will take you to the trip's Vimeo page, where you can view all of the videos taken from each country.